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Dear Reader,

This book and channel are about a true-crime adventure involving real people in a dispute over a legal fiction. The identities of those involved and the location details where the events took place have been veiled to protect the innocent, but also for the bad ‘guys’’ ‘protection.’ Yes, you read that right, especially as the adventure and the crimes are ongoing, so the risks and potential consequences remain real. Despite that, the book is a retelling of the entire first part of the story. 

Altogether, the book chapters and channel posts develop the theme of waking up to discover that not only have you been duped about how things really are, but that the most important parts of your life may have, in fact, been fake. Enjoy and awaken then, brethren! Or if you’re already awake, enjoy and deepen your understanding.


Kris-Jån (KJ) Frederickson

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Respect these standard Locals community guidelines:

  • Keep conversations respectful (no personal attacks);
  • Don’t spam/troll comments/members’ feeds, etc;
  • No pornography;
  • And that’s it.

Thank you,
K— Jån Frederickson

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